Visual flow indicators manufacturer permit visual inspection of level and contents of tank ,pipelines,and proccess equipment. sight Flow indicators-liquid level gauges-Ball Motion sight flow indicators. manufacturer

- Sight Flow Indicators
Visual flow indicators manufacturer Glass cylinder sight flow or sight glass or water gauge is a type of level sensor, a transparent tube through which the operator of a tank or boiler can observe the level of liquid contained within.
It can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position. It has a built-in needle valve that allows regulating the oil flow by dripping.

Flow Sight Glass with Needle Valve
- Construction Management

Flow Sight Glass with Needle Valve
Designed to detect the flow or flow rate of liquids, oils, gas, etc.
The Liquid is visible through a cylindrical tube of Borosilicate glass, Pyrex type, the sight tube is protected against blows or accidents, by a metal casing, made of bronze, aluminum, or stainless steel. The connection is threaded from . ¼” female or male npt thread up to 1 in. npt. It can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position. It has a built-in needle valve that allows regulating the oil flow by dripping.
Approximate overall length 4 in.
Maximum operating pressure and temperature up to 300 psi -240 C
- window type flow viewer
viewer Window threaded connection NPT High Temperature and Pressure
Stainless Steel SS316 body, tempered Pyrex, window diameter: according to the connection diameter, FNPT connection thread, MNPT. One and two window model
They allow visual inspection of level, and contents in tanks, pipes and process equipment. Applications in tanks and hydraulic lines, liquid reservoirs, in pipes, etc.
flow viewer level and cilindrical

Full View Cylindrical Flow Indicator
Mayperot Flow sight
Excellent 360 degrees Visibility. Flow, colour & consistency of liquid is seen through heavy wall cyindrical borosilicate glass. It is tapered and ground at both ends, for better strength and sealing.