Thermodynamics steam traps manufacturer
Thermodynamics steam traps manufacturer model TD52 combine reliability, simplicity and efficiency of operation.High Pressure

Thermodynamics steam traps TD52.Thermodynamics steam traps .Thermodynamic Traps
Thermodynamics steam traps TD52 a moving part – a hardened stainless steel disc – giving a perfect discharge and seal.
Able to withstand overheating, water hammer, corrosive condensate, frost and vibration.
The TD trap is the best option for eliminating condensation from steam distribution systems.
Capacity listed is in lbs of condensate per hour at maximun operating pressure of 600 psi
Connection female pipe threads NPT 1/2 ;3/4 ; 1 inches diameter.
Thermodynamics steam traps TD-52.Manufacturer.Venezuela
Discharges condensate at steam temperature.Operate on the difference between kinetic energy of condensate and steam as they pass across face of valve disc.
Disc is the only moving part.
Disc allows free passage of condensate ;seats tightly to stops passage of steam.
Not affected by superheat ,vibration ,and corrosive condensate.
Use in pressurized vacum heating systems ans process equipment.
- Discharge condensate as soon as it is formed (unless it is desirable to use the sensible heat of the liquid condensate)
- Have a negligible steam consumption (i.e. being energy efficient)
- Have the capability of discharging air and other non-condensable gases.
Body in Cast iron, internal in stainless steel.